Chaparral by Natalie Pastor
(Larrea tridentata) Zygophyllaceae
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Some of the common names are Greasewood, Gobonadora, Hediondilla,
Chaparro and Creosote Bush, because of the strong smell and taste.
It is found all over the desert Southwest from Utah down into
northern Mexico. It originated in the deserts of South America
and was transplanted to our Southwest tens of thousands of years
ago by unknown means.
It is said to be one of the oldest living organism on the planet.
I found a reference that indicated Chaparral found in the Imperial
Valley of California has been carbon dated to 11,500 years old.
How this plant got the name of Chaparral is not known but the
word chaparral is commonly used to describe shrubby plants capable
of coping with desert conditions. It is a true xerophyte, a plant
totally adapted to desert life. Chaparral can survive for 2 years
without precipitation because the resinous coating on the leaves
prevents evaporation.
It's a large shrubby plant with small, dark olive green leaves
that are quite aromatic. Chaparral gives off a wonderful aroma
right after a rain and it produces bright five-petaled yellow
flowers that remind me of popcorn and which develop into small
fuzzy fruit of no value. It has a very wide and deep root system
and can grow to 8 feet. This is an important plant in desert ecology.
The deep root system provides stability to the desert surface
so it plays a major role in stopping erosion, plus the plant provides
shelter and food for small desert animals and birds. It is also
the host plant for the creosote lac scale insect.
There is a O'odham legend about Chaparral that says when Earthmaker
made the world, a ball of dirt in Earthmaker's hand sprouted a
'creosote bush'. Then the first animal was created, the creosote
lac scale insect, whose resinous lac was used to hold the world
together. The lac scale was also collected and used to waterproof
basketry by many of the Southwestern American Indians.
Chaparral is a controversial medicinal herb. The leaves and flowers
are the parts generally used, and it is both an antioxidant and
an antibacterial. Local Indians historically used Chaparral for
rheumatism, sciatica, tuberculosis and other respiratory problems.
It is most widely known as a cancer treatment. Chaparral tea is
not very tasty but that doesn't stop many people from drinking
it daily in the belief it will ease intestinal pain, arthritis,
bronchial pain and cancer. A Chaparral steam is good for bronchial
and pulmonary conditions. It is often used in salves for skin
conditions such as severe bruising and as a rub for arthritic
joints. It does sometimes cause contact dermatitis. Its antibacterial
properties make it a good ingredient in any first aid salve kept
in your herbal medicine chest. If you like to make your own lotions
and creams, an extracted oil made with Chaparral is a very effective
antioxidant to add to your recipe to prevent your creams from
going bad.
A huge amount of research has been done on Chaparral. The reason
for its controversial reputation is that research studies on animals
using Chaparral for cancer have shown it to both inhibit and aggravate
cancerous growths. The best results have been its use for skin
cancers. It has also been stated to cause liver damage although
only a few cases have been verified. There is no evidence that
Chaparral is toxic and many modern herbalists do use this herb
in tincture or tea form for impaired liver metabolism, autoimmune
problems, urinary tract infections and PMS.
Chaparral can make a super landscape plant for desert areas under
5000 feet. Most varieties are hardy to zero degrees and all are
extremely drought tolerant. Seeds are obtainable but it is difficult
to grow them from seed as the germination rate is very low. It's
best to buy nursery plants in containers. Check at your local
native plant nursery. Transplanting from the wild is seldom successful
because of the many branched, long tap root, but if you have the
opportunity to rescue young plants from areas that are under development,
it is certainly worth trying. The shrub is slow growing when first
put in the ground and can be somewhat straggly looking. Give it
at least one year to put down its deep taproot, another year to
adjust and then by the third year it will begin to grow fairly
rapidly and eventually become 6 - 8 feet wide and as tall.
They have a wonderful natural shape and with a little pruning
they will make a graceful addition to your landscape. Chaparral
makes a great wind break or fence line screen as it is fire resistant
and once established requires absolutely no care. It will also
make an attractive focal point in a xeriscape garden. It will
be most happy in an alkaline soil, sand, decomposed granite or
clay. It is resistant to Texas root rot. Chaparral should be deep
watered once a month, no more. Our tendency is to over water native
plants and that is how we lose them. If you want to fertilize
do so only once a year in early spring.
If you decide you want to use it medicinally, harvest the leaves,
small branches and flowers when it's blooming. I usually harvest
Chaparral during April or early May . If you want to make a tincture,
do so as soon as possible using the folkloric method. First chop
the herb as small as possible, you may find freezing Chaparral
before chopping works best because it is so gummy. If possible
grind the chopped pieces to a coarse powder, again freezing it
first will help. Pack the herb into a quart mason jar and cover
it with the strongest vodka (or Everclear) you can buy. Let the
jar sit for two weeks, turning and shaking it daily. Strain and
bottle in dark blue or amber bottles. Store out of the sun. I
would not recommend taking Chaparral internally without first
consulting with a qualified herbalist.
For creams, make an extracted oil using the same method as above
but substituting olive, grapeseed or sweet almond oil for the
vodka. Let it sit for up to six weeks before straining and use
the oil in your favorite cream recipe.
You might like to try making a simple petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
salve with your Chaparral. While Vaseline is inorganic it does
make salve making easy. Simply chop your herb as fine as possible
and simmer 3 TB of the chopped herb in 8 ounces of petroleum jelly
for about 12 minutes. Strain it through several layers of cheesecloth
lining a kitchen sieve or strainer and pour into a sterilized
jar. Let it cool before capping. Use this for bruises, strains,
insect bites and as a rub for aching joints.
Copyright N. Pastor 1999