by Natalie Pastor
The Mary or Bible garden is usually a small walled garden that
is part of a cloister, cemetery, or wayside shrine. Out of sight,
these gardens provide a sanctuary, a spot for meditation or contemplation.
Statuary is often a focal point in the garden, it could be a small
statue of the Madonna and Child, St. Frances of Assisi, St. Fiacre,
the patron saint of gardeners; or a simple engraved stone with
these words from The Little Flowers of St. Francis "Be thou
praised, my Lord, of our Sister Mother Earth, Which sustains and
hath us in rule, and produces divers fruits with coloured flowers
and herbs."
Our Southwest climate is similar to the Holy Land and we know
that trees such as the Date Palm, Bay Laurel, Acacia, the Olive
and Pomegranate are all mentioned in the Bible. Many of our familiar
garden herbs are also mentioned. Garlic, Rue, Mint and Dill. Some
experts think Mint was one of the "bitter herbs" mentioned
in Exodus 12:8 and Numbers 9:11. A digestive herb, Mint was believed
to be included as part of a salad along with other green potherbs
such as Endive, Chicory, Watercress, Sorrel, and Dandelions. People
who lived in biblical times commonly used herbs for both food
and medicine.
There is a great deal of debate and confusion surrounding the
interpretation of the herbs mentioned in the Bible. For instance
Hyssop (Hyssopos officinal), also called St. Joseph's Plant, is
often referred to as the herb used in purification rites (Psalms
51:7) The biblical Hyssop is probably not the same Hyssop we know.
According to bible scholars, the biblical Hyssop may have been
Marjoram, the Caper plant, or even Sorghum. During the Middle
Ages and the Renaissance many of the plants that came to be associated
with the Bible or Mary gardens had previously been associated
with pagan deities. Plants sacred in Roman and Greek mythology,
and in the other ancient European and Anglo traditions were transferred
to the Madonna and other Christian figures. In their rush to cover
over the pagan ways, the early church fathers reinterpreted folklore
to fit with the Christian tradition. The old woodcuts and illuminated
manuscripts of the period show European herbs rather than those
indigenous to the Holy Land. It's all very confusing. However,
there is a wealth of beautiful herbs that are prefixed with My
Lady or a saint's name. These herbs have taken on a romantic association
with the Bible and in planning a Mary Garden for today it would
seem fitting to use these herbs.
If you would like to put in a traditional Mary garden, a simple
knot pattern or four square beds with a statuary focal point,
scaled to fit your area, would be one option. Another idea is
to tuck a small Mary garden in a hidden corner. Keep it hidden
by surrounding it with walls, grape vines or trellis covered with
vines or old climbing roses. Here is a list of some of the more
fragrant and healing herbs that became associated with the Bible
or Mary, as they suggested her sweetness and maternal love.
Angelica or Angel's Plant (Angelica archangel)
Basil or Holy Communion Plant (Ocimum basilicum)
Borage or St Joseph's Staff (Borago officin.)
Cabbage Rose or The Virgin's Rose (Rosa Centifolia)
Clary or Christ's Eye (Salvia sclarea)
Clove Pink or Virgin Pink (Dianthus caryophyllus)
Costmary or Our Lady's Balsam (Chrysanthemum balsamita)
Creeping Thyme or Mary's Bedstraw (Thymus serphyllum)
Dill or Devil-Away (Anethium graveolens)
Elecampagne or Adam's Root (Inula helenium)
Hyssop or St. Joseph's Plant (Hyssopos officin.)
Lady's Mantle or Lady's Mantle (Achemilla vulgaris)
Lavender or Mary's Drying Plant (Lavandula spp.)
Lemon Balm or Sweet Mary (Melissa officin.)
Madonna Lily or Mary Lily (Lilium candidum)
Maiden Hair Fern or Our Lady's Hair (Adiantum cap vener)
Mullein or Mary's Candle (Verbascum thapsus)
Orris Root or Madonna Iris (Iris florin., blue)
Our Lady's Bedstraw (Galium verum)
Pot Marigold or Marygold (Calendula officin.)
Rosemary or Mary's Nosegay (Rosmarinus officin.)
Rue or Herb O'Grace (Ruta graveolens)
Sage or Mary's Shawl (Salvia officinalis)
Soapwort or Lady by the Gate (Saponario officin.)
Sweet Bay or St Bridget's Flower (Laurus nobills)
Sweet Marjoram or Mother-of-God's (Majorana hortensis)
Sweet Violet or Our Lady's Modesty (Viola odorata)
Thyme or The Virgin's Humility (Thymus vulgaris)
Many other herbs mentioned in the Bible are not usually grown
in the Southwest. Some have a negative context such as Mandrake
(Mandragora officinarum). Mandrake is mentioned in Genesis 30:14-16
where Rachel requests the mandrakes that belonged to Rueben, apparently
for their magical qualities as an aphrodisiac. Mandrake is sometimes
called love apple or devil's apple. The Bible herbs we are most
familiar with are of course, Frankincense and Myrrh. Frankincense,
is the gummy resin from a small thorny tree called Boswellia sacra,
which grows in the Middle East. It has been used for religious
rites for centuries and is mentioned in the first 5 books. Sap
from the trees oozes out and forms nodules which then harden in
the air. They are burned for their fragrant aroma. Myrrh (Commiphora
myrrha) is a gummy resin, used by the Egyptians and Hebrews for
incense, cosmetics, perfumes, and medicines. Both these herbs
are still among the most highly prized herbs in the world.
Why not create a special garden to soothe your soul, surround
yourself with herbs that have a symbolic meaning and remember
that "One is nearer God's heart in a garden Than any place
else on earth."
Copyright N. Pastor 1999